Friday, April 2, 2010

Continuing to previous post

There are some tips that we must take care during dyeing in lab.
In order to get good results firstly you must be patient. Specially when you don't have laboratory scale equipment! In this case you must stir the dye bath constantly.And it takes lots of energy also it wastes lots of your time.So I advise you to ask someone for a support. Before starting to dye check your stock solutions,Read their labels carefully .They all must be ready and fresh.If they are out of date,prepare their solutions again in exact dye percentage ie I always prepare solutions of 1 & 2 & 10 gr/lit and it depend on the shades you want to dye.
It's very important to becarfull about date of preparing solutions.They may results in adsorption of dyes to fabric.I have got this problem some days before when I saw the different adsorption of Navy blue dye in laboratory and dyeing machines scale on viscose fabric.